Hi everyone,
Here we are just about to wrap up week 2 of the CSA, time sure does fly. I’m combining weeks one and two because they have both been the same and sorry if you have no clue what those long green stringy things are (garlic scapes). If you're wondering what to do with them, use them any way you would normally use garlic or make pesto, steam them like beans, fry them, or throw them in a salad.
I hope everyone has enjoyed their veggies thus far because it's only going to get better!
-Radishes (french breakfast or pink beauties)
-Mixed greens (Red Mustard, Mizuna, Tatsoi, Kale, and Arugula)
-Garlic Scapes
-Kale (large and 3/4 box)
-Eggs if you got them as an option