Hi everyone,
If you're looking for updates about our farm, head over to our Facebook page www.facebook.com/ferndalefarm where you will find all the things that are happening at the farm!
Monday, 15 September 2014
Thursday, 27 March 2014
2014 Veggie Box Signup
Hi everyone,
We are now accepting orders for our 2014 veggie box season. We have made some changes to our program to help streamline our business. We will be offering one share size and it will be $25/week for 18 weeks, $450 for the full season, $225 for a half season. If you are concerned that this will be too much food we suggest you preserve or freeze your vegetables to help extend your box for when you'll be craving local vegetables or share it with a friend or family members because there is nothing better than enjoying good food amongst friends.
We are looking forward to growing delicious vegetables for you this season and we hope to see you at the farm!
We are now accepting orders for our 2014 veggie box season. We have made some changes to our program to help streamline our business. We will be offering one share size and it will be $25/week for 18 weeks, $450 for the full season, $225 for a half season. If you are concerned that this will be too much food we suggest you preserve or freeze your vegetables to help extend your box for when you'll be craving local vegetables or share it with a friend or family members because there is nothing better than enjoying good food amongst friends.
We are looking forward to growing delicious vegetables for you this season and we hope to see you at the farm!
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Farm Gate Stand Update
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to update you on the farm gate stand, it is still open every wednesday but we have increased the hours (2-7pm 34219 Laxton Ave). Also we haven’t had much luck selling eggs for $5.00/dz. so we’ve taken the chickens off organic feed and put them on an all veggie non-GMO feed which is cheaper and also brings the egg cost back down to $4.00/dz.
Hope to see you at the stand
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Farm Gate Stand
Hi everyone,
Our stand is open today (every wednesday between 2-7, 34219 Laxton Ave.) and shall be for the rest of the year unless we post otherwise. We planned on having a variety of winter veggies but due to a cold snap in December and a snow fall before Christmas, our winter greenhouse collapsed and the rest of our outdoor produce froze and became wilted.
For now we have eggs, and are selling them for $5.00/dz. Before we were selling our eggs for $4.00/dz. but they were on an all veggie diet, now they are on an organic feed which costs more hence the $1.00 increase.
Sorry If we got peoples hopes up with fresh vegetables, mother nature had other plans.
Hope to see you at the stand
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Hi everyone,
I am pleased to announce that we have built a farm gate stand and it will be open tomorrow (Nov. 20) between 2-5 at the beginning of our driveway (34219 Laxton Ave). We will have the stand open every Wednesday from 2-5 indefinetly and it is on a first come first serve basis. It will always contain eggs at the least and veggies like kale, turnips, salad greens, squash, radishes, broccoli, etc until we run out or until they stop growing. Also, the stand is on the honour system so I suggest you bring small change.
I hope you all have been having a great fall and we hope to see you at the farm!
Monday, 19 August 2013
Hi everyone,
This week the weathers been a bit cooler and a new addition to the box are new potatoes. So, I’m thinking a simple roasting dish would be in order.
Taylor’s Taters
- Preheat your oven to 350
- Wash your new potatoes and cut into 1x1cm cubes
- Use one whole yellow onion, remove skin and cut into quarters
- Use 4-5 cloves of garlic, cut them into slices about 1-2mm thick
- A sweet potato is also a tasty addition, cut it the same as the new potatoes
- Put everything into a bowl with enough olive oil to coat all the veggies and toss
- Place the contents onto a cookie sheet, spread out evenly and place in oven
- Let roast for about 40-45 mins, stirring the veggies every 15mins
Veggie Box #7
-Kale (russian, flat leafed or curled leaf)
-Beets (golden or red) Steam your beet tops!
-Beans (yellow and green)
-Green garlic
-Snow peas
-Kohlrabi (large box only)
-Mixed greens (small box only)
-New potatoes (sieglinde & yukon gold)
-Head lettuce (large box only)
Also, just a reminder for those of you who are only signed up for a half season and would like to continue for the second half please email me asap. Thanks.
ferndale farms,
New potatoes,
veggie box
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Veggie Box #6
Hi everyone,
As promised I said I’d try to include a recipe each week and I think its important to teach an old dog new tricks especially when that old dog turns up on a weekly basis so today we present you with:
Zucchini and Radish Slaw
Its summer and no one needs to turn the oven on any more then they have to so until the heat goes away (which I hope it doesn’t) I’ll try to include a recipe that doesn’t involve the use of it.
Ok, here we go.
- Cut zucchini into match sticks, toss with salt and let drain.
- Rinse and pat dry.
- Toss with thinly sliced radishes and season with lime juice salt and pepper.
I’ll be honest I’m trying this recipe for the first time tonight but it seems to be too simple to be a bad one. If you're looking for other recipes I’ve picked up a really great book that should be a staple in any CSA members kitchen, it revolves mostly around CSA’s and what you should do with some of those odd vegetables, its called Fresh Food Nation and I bought it at Save-on-foods for $27. I’ve also seen it on Amazon for $16.
Veggie Box #6
-Kale (russian, flat leafed or curled leaf)
-Beets (golden or red) Steam your beet tops!
-Beans (yellow and green)
-Green garlic
-Snow peas
-Kohlrabi (large box only)
-Mixed greens (Red Mustard, Mizuna, Tatsoi, Kale, and Arugula)
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